Gyengénlátó Változat


This touristic site came into being with financial support of the European Union and Hungary.


More information:

The communication material does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EU.


The project and also this part of the website is implemented within the framework of the Interreg V-A Slovak Republic - Hungary Cooperation Programme financed by the European Regional Development Fund, from state budget of the Slovak Republic and Hungary and the partners' own resources.

Partners of the project are: Association of Municipalities „Združenie obcí dolného Žitného Ostrova (Lead Partner), Által-ér Vízgyűjtő Helyreállítási és Fejlesztési Szövetség (the lead cross-border partner, HU), Slovak Environmental Agency (SK), Slovenský vodohospodársky podnik, š.p. (SK), the Municipality of Gönyű (HU), the Municipality of Zlatná na Ostrove (SK), Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie (SK), Gönyű Horgászegyesület (HU) and the Municipality of Klížska Nemá (SK).

Implementation of the project began on 1st January 2018 and will last until 31st December 2019. The aim of the project is a joint effort of nine project partners from both sides of the Danube to preserve the natural and cultural heritage and to use it for the benefit of rural development. The project is based on the philosophy of Nature Parks, which aims to protect natural and cultural heritage, environmental education, public opinion formation, rural development and development of tourism and recreation. The know-how for implementation will be provided by the lead Hungarian cross-border partner Által-ér Vízgyűjtő Helyreállítasi és Fejlesztési Szövetség, who is one of the founding members of Naturpark Gerecse in Hungary. Most of the territory where the project will be implemented belongs to the NATURA 2000 protected area. We will involve environmental and state institutions, 20 municipalities in Slovakia and 30 municipalities in Hungary, associations and entrepreneurs and naturally the local inhabitants.

Within the two-year long implementation period, we plan following activities in the cross-border area:

  • Lead Beneficiary - Association of Municipalities „Združenie obcí dolného Žitného Ostrova (ZODŽO)
    • 3500 pieces of the native species of trees (mostly fruit trees) and bushes originally growing in Podunajsko will be planted in the intravilan of the member municipalities of ZODŽO with the help of volunteers
    • in the member villages of ZODŽO a following infrastructure will be placed: insect hotels - 35 pieces, authentic wells - 9 pcs, bird houses - 35 pcs and bird watchtowers - 4 pcs, phototraps - 33 pcs, rain gardens -
    • 20 pcs, small infrastructure - 222 pcs (benches, trash cans, billboards)
    • marketing strategy for cross-border NATURPARKs will be developed
  • The lead cross-border partner of the project - Által-ér Vízgyűjtő Helyreállítási és Fejlesztési Szövetség
    • 20 entry gates will be built to Nature park Gerecse
    • Information points will be built at 29 locations in Nature park Gerecse
    • an existing educational trail will be completed and volunteers will plant 500 trees
    • promotional material with photos from Naturpark Gerecse will be published
    • environmental education for elementary school students will take place
    • a CCTV system for the promotion of the event "Vadlud Sokadalom" will be installed
  • Slovenská agentúra životného prostredia
    • the Dropie Adventure Environmental Center will be created within which a gazebo with IT and wifi connection to serve as an external classroom and for community activities will be built. Further a sensation path, a rope park, a rain garden, bird watchtowers, wooden sheds for livestock will be built
    • the bioremediation of the lake in SEV Dropie (non-mechanical cleaning) will be implemented
    • the drinking water source in SEV Dropie will be revitalized
    • the nursery of the native fruit trees of the region will be planted
    • a study on public rain gardens will be elaborated
  • Slovenský vodohospodársky podnik, š.p.
    • Multifunction machine for mowing the aquatic plants and its removal from the water surface will be purchased. Themachine will clean water areas in the target cross-border region within the project implementation period (Lakes and Channels of the Lower Rye Island).
  • Gönyű Község Önkormányzata
    • An educational trail on the Danube promenade will be created. On the educational trail, binoculars will be installed, a boat-shaped playground will be built, insect hotels and info-points will be installed, an exhibition building will be reconstructed.
  • Zlatná na Ostrove
    • A 247-year old building will be renovated in the village of Zlatná na Ostrove, which will be used as a museum of ethnography and at the same time will be used for cultural and environmental activities.
  • Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie
    • The eco-tourism centre in Veľký Lél will be improved: small infrastructure, such as benches, gazebos, authentic wells, children's playground elements, bins, bicycle racks, a boat for educational excursions and a horse carriage will complete the existing eco-tourism centre.
  • Gönyű Horgászegyesület
    • A building, where a fishing tourism centre will be established, will be reconstructed.
  • Obec Klížska Nemá
    • Fest named „Tastes of Danubean Nature“will be organized in Klížska Nemá. It will involve quite extensive environmental campaign, local producers will promote their products, folk groups from the region of project partners will promote the local culture and customs.
    • A motorboat will be purchased. It will operate on the Danube on the route from Klížska Nemá to Gönyű and back.

Within the project, number of printed promotional materials, billboards and online banners will be created. The project website, sub-sites on the partners' websites with project information, which will promote the project and INTERREG V-A Cooperation program Slovak Republic – Hungary will be available online. A tourist mobile App of Podunajsko will be improved.




Légszennyezettségi adatok

2024.10.22. 01:00
aktuális érték* (μg/m3) határérték % -ban
CO 712 7
NO2 11 10
NOx 14 7
O3 28 15
NO 2 -
Szélirány NY
Légszeny-nyezettségi index Kiváló
Erősen szennyezett
* Utolsó 1 óra csúszóátlaga.

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